9,866 tons; length 441 ft., width 69 ft., draft 18 ft., 21 knots; 235 cabins; 500 passengers; diesel, twin screw; built 1968
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It was completed as the cruise ship Boheme and chartered to Commodore, sailing its first weekly cruise out of Miami on December 7, 1968 to Freeport, San Juan and St. Thomas. Boheme was the first ship to begin year-round seven day cruises from Florida, but only by two weeks ahead of Starward.
Public areas had an "opera" theme aboard Boheme, including the Rodolfo main lounge and Le Club Mimi bar, Marcello observation lounge, Cafe des Artistes by the swimming pool, Puccini and Paris Dining Rooms and Place Montmarte boutiques. Cabins were on Antilles, Bahama and Caribbean Decks including the Royal Poinciana Suite, 12 outside deluxe staterooms, 149 outside and 61 inside cabins with two lower beds and folding upper berths plus 12 cabins for two with upper and lower berth. Down below, the sauna, massage, gym and cinema were sandwiched between the crew quarters and the engines.
For most of Boheme's career from Miami the itinerary included Puerto Plata, St. Thomas, San Juan and Cap Haitien. Boheme was sold in 1986.