# MAILMAN - Manager module for Mailmatic
# Compose and send E-Mail to mailing list recipients
# Filename: mailman.pl
# Copyright: 1997,1998 by Joe DePasquale
# Last revised: April 7,1998
# E-Mail: crypt@getcruising.com
# Website: http://www.GetCruising.com
# #
# This script and accompanying files may be distributed freely #
# and modified, provided this header with my name, E-Mail address and #
# this notice remain intact. Ownership rights remain with me. You may #
# not sell this script without my approval. #
# #
# This script comes with no guarantee or warranty except for my good #
# intentions. By using this code you agree to indemnify me from any #
# liability that might arise from it's use. #
# #
# There is no technical support for this script, neither am I a #
# professional programmer. Refer to 'HELPME.TXT' for further guidance. #
# #
sub mailman {
&passtest ($MAILPWD);
# Case: SAVE MESSAGE saves the message only
if ($Form{'savemssg'})
if ($Form{'message'})
open (TXT,">$MAILTXT") || &endMan ("Write: $MAILTXT");
$subject = $Form{'subject'};
$subject =~ s/\"/'/;
if ($subject !~ /\n$/)
{ $subject = "$subject\n";
print (TXT $subject.$Form{'message'});
close (TXT);
print "MESSAGE TEXT has been saved as $MAILTXT.<br>\n";
} else
{ &endMan ("No message text to save!");
} # end Case SAVE MESSAGE
# Case: SEND MAIL processes the mailing
elsif ($Form{'sendmail'})
if ($Form{'message'})
open (TXT,">$MAILTXT") || &endMan ("Write: $MAILTXT");
$subject = $Form{'subject'};
$subject =~ s/\"/'/;
if ($subject !~ /\n$/)
{ $subject = "$subject\n";
print (TXT $subject.$Form{'message'});
close (TXT);
} elsif (!-s $MAILTXT)
{ &endMan ("Message text is blank, creep!");
$dateFlag = 'N'; $subjectFlag ='N';
if ($Form{'startdate'} || $Form{'enddate'})
{ if ($Form{'startdate'} <= $Form{'enddate'})
{ $dateFlag = 'Y';
} else
{ &endMan ("Mismatched dates $Form{'startdate'} - $Form{'enddate'}");
if ($Form{'subjectkey'} && $Form{'subjectkey'} ne 'ALL')
{ $subjectFlag = 'Y';
open (LOCK,">$MAILFLK") || &endMan ("Write: $MAILFLK");
if (!flock (LOCK,2)) { &endMan ("Lock: $MAILFLK"); }
# If survey responses are rcvd during mail processing,
# they will be appended to MAILHOLD.
open (DAT,"<$MAILDAT") || &endMan ("Read: $MAILDAT");
flock (DAT,1), seek (DAT,0,0);
@listLines = <DAT>;
close (DAT);
open (TXT,"<$MAILTXT") || &endMan ("Read: $MAILTXT");
@mssgLines = <TXT>;
close (TXT);
$subject = shift (@mssgLines);
$subject =~ s/\n$//;
# Now OK to allow access to DAT. Start sending mail.
open (LOG,"+<$MAILLOG") || &endIt ("Read\/Write: $MAILLOG");
flock (LOG,2); seek (LOG,0,0);
print LOG "\nMailing started:\n $timeStamp\nIntended Recipients:\n";
print "Mailing started: $timeStamp<br>\n";
$recNbr = 0; $mailCnt =0;
while ($recNbr <= $#listLines)
{ ($email,$name,$company,$subjectKeys,$lastdate,$eol) = split (/\|/,$listLines[$recNbr]);
if (($dateFlag eq "N"
|| ($lastdate >= $Form{'startdate'} && $lastdate <= $Form{'enddate'}))
&& ($subjectFlag eq "N"
|| ($subjectKeys =~ /$Form{'subjectkey'}/)))
$bccList .= "$email, ";
$listLines[$recNbr] =~ s/\|\d{8}\|/\|$dateStamp\|/;
print LOG " $email,\n";
close (LOG);
{ open (MAIL,"|$mailCmd -t -oi") || &endIt ("Open on $mailCmd Failed");
print MAIL "X-Mailer: MAILMATIC\n";
print MAIL "X-Comment: MAILMATIC is FREE at http://www.GetCruising.com/crypt\n";
print MAIL "To: $toMail\nFrom: $myMail\n";
print MAIL "Bcc: $bccList\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
if ($@) { &endMan ("Failed in Eval: $@"); }
print (MAIL @mssgLines);
print MAIL qq|\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n|;
print MAIL qq|Thanks again for registering for the\n|;
print MAIL qq|"$Subject{$Form{'subjectkey'}}" mailing list.\n\n|;
print MAIL qq|If you do not want to receive \n|;
print MAIL qq| future updates send me a note by E-Mail.\n|;
print MAIL qq|Please come back and visit again soon!\n\n|;
if (open (SIG,"<$MYSIG"))
{ @mySig = <SIG>;
print MAIL "@mySig";
close (SIG);
} else
{ print MAIL "$myName <$myMail>\n$homeUrl\n";
close (MAIL);
open (DAT,"+<$MAILDAT") || &endMan ("Read\/Write: $MAILDAT");
flock (DAT,2); seek (DAT,0,0);
$oldSize = @oldFile = <DAT>;
$newSize = @listLines;
if ($newSize == $oldSize)
{ seek (DAT,0,0);
print (DAT @listLines);
truncate (DAT,tell(DAT));
close (DAT);
close (LOCK);
print "Mail File contains <b>$newSize</b> records.<br>\n";
print "<b>$mailCnt</b> E-Mail messages were processed and sent.</b><br>";
print "MESSAGE TEXT has been saved as $MAILTXT.<p>\n";
# Default Case: editor form
{ &editor;
} # end default
} # end mailman
sub editor # Print the editor form
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method=POST>\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=password value="$Form{'password'}">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=manager value="1">\n|;
if (-s $MAILTXT)
{ open (TXT,"<$MAILTXT") || &endMan ("Read: $MAILTXT");
@message = <TXT>;
close (TXT);
$subject = shift (@message);
} else
{ $subject = "UPDATE!\n";
print qq|<b>SUBJECT</b>:<br>\n|;
print qq|<input type=text name=subject value="$subject" size=60 maxlength=90><br>\n|;
print qq|<b>MESSAGE</b>:<br>\n|;
print qq|<pre><textarea name=message cols=55 rows=10 wrap=PHYSICAL>|;
print @message;
print qq|</textarea></pre>\n<p>\n<b>Select by DATE RANGE</b>:<br>\n|;
print qq|FROM: <input type=text name=startdate value="19960101" size=8 maxlength=8> \n|;
print qq| TO: <input type=text name=enddate value="$dateStamp" size=8 maxlength=8><br>\n|;
print qq|<p><b>Select by SUBJECT KEYS</b>:<br>|;
foreach $key (sort (keys %Subject))
{ print qq|<nobr>[<input type=radio name=subjectkey value="$key"|;
if ($key eq $Form{'subjectkey'}) { print qq| checked|; }
print qq|\> $Subject{$key} ]</nobr> \n|;
print qq|<nobr>[<input type=radio name=subjectkey value="ALL"> All Subjects ]</nobr> \n|;
print qq|<hr><input type=submit name=sendmail value=" SEND "> \n|;
print qq|<input type=submit name=savemssg value=" SAVE "> \n|;
print qq|<input type=reset value="RESET"></form>\n|;
print qq|<a href="$exitUrl">Exit $headTitle</a>\n|;
print qq|<p><font size=2><i><b>MAILMATIC</b> is one of <a href="http://www.GetCruising.com/crypt" target="_top">Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!</a></i></font>\n|;
print qq|<p>\n</body></html>\n|;
} # end sub editor
sub passtest # test and/or change password
$PASSFILE = $_[0];
if (-s $PASSFILE)
{ if ($Form{'password'})
{ open (PASS,"<$PASSFILE");
$passcode = <PASS>;
close (PASS);
chop ($passcode) if $passcode =~ /\n$/;
$lp = length $Form{'password'};
$salt = substr($Form{'password'},$lp-2,1).substr($Form{'password'},1,1);
if ($passcode eq crypt ($Form{'password'},$salt))
{ if ($Form{'newpassword'})
{ $lp = length $Form{'newpassword'};
if ($Form{'newpassword'} =~ /^\w{$lp}\b/)
{ $Form{'password'} = $Form{'newpassword'};
$salt = substr($Form{'password'},$lp-2,1).substr($Form{'password'},1,1);
$passcode = crypt ($Form{'password'},$salt);
open (PASS,">$PASSFILE");
print PASS "$passcode";
close (PASS);
} else
{ &passbox ("Bad choice, Creep!!");
} else
{ &passbox ("Wrong, Creep!!");
} else
{ &passbox ("What's the Password, Creep?");
} else
{ &endMan ("Password File $PASSFILE Not Found");
sub passbox
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method="POST">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=manager value="1"><table border=4>\n|;
print qq|<tr><th colspan=2><font color="#FF0000"><b><blink>$_[0]</blink></b></font></th></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><th>Enter Password:</td><th><input type=password name=password size=12 maxlength=12></th></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><th>Change Password:</td><th><input type=text name=newpassword size=12 maxlength=12></th></tr>\n|;
print qq|<th colspan=2><input type=submit value=" DO IT! "><input type=reset value=" CLEAR "></th></tr>\n|;
print qq|</table><br>\nPassword must be 4 to 12 alpha-numeric characters.</form>\n<p>\n|;
sub endMan # Error handling for manager scripts
print qq|<font color="#FF0000"><b>ERROR:</font><br>$_[0]</b>\n<p>|;
if ($!) { print qq|Server made a Boo-Boo! $!\n|; }
else { print qq|Use your browser's [BACK] button and try again.\n|; }
print qq|<p></body></html>\n|;
} # end endMan
1; # return true