# Filename : linkmat.cgi
# Copyright: 1996,1997,1998 by Joe DePasquale
# Last revised: August 29, 1998
# E-Mail: crypt@getcruising.com
# Website: http://www.GetCruising.com
# See the document 'how2link.txt' for set-up instructions.
# #
# This script and accompanying files may be distributed freely #
# and modified, provided this header with my name, E-Mail address and #
# this notice remain intact. Ownership rights remain with me. You may #
# not sell this script without my approval. #
# #
# This script comes with no guarantee or warranty except for my good #
# intentions. By using this code you agree to indemnify me from any #
# liability that might arise from it's use. #
# #
# There is no technical support for this script, neither am I a #
# professional programmer. Requests for technical assistance will be #
# ignored. Refer to the resources on my website for further guidance. #
# #
# Change these sample paths to the actual paths on your server.
# Your Unix system date and sendmail commands
$dateCmd = '/bin/date';
$mailCmd = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
# Your E-Mail address - note mandatory backslash before \@
$myMail = "yourmail\@your-server.com";
# Unix path to linkmat directory
$linkmatDir = '/usr/home/yourpath/to/linkmat';
# URL to linkmat directory
$linkmatUrl = 'http://www.your-server.com/linkmat';
# URL to linkmat.cgi
$scriptUrl = 'http://www.your-server.com/cgi-bin/linkmat.cgi';
# URL to exit from manager
$exitUrl = 'http://www.your-server.com/anypage.html';
# If you want a signature file attached to mail messages,
# uncomment the next line and enter the correct Unix path ..
$MYSIG = '/usr/home/yourpath/to/mysig.txt';
# .. otherwise uncomment the next lines and replace with your info ..
# $myName = 'Bonzo Clone';
# $homeUrl = 'http://www.your-server.com/anypage.html';
# Here you define one or more databases with a keyword and path to
# the directory where each can be found. The 'how2link.txt' document
# explains what to place in these directories that you will create
# in a later step. For simplicity use the keyword as the name
# of the directory (as below). Use short alphanumeric keywords.
%Script = (
# Select one of the above keywords as the default database.
$script = 'cruising';
# Maximum links to show per results page. If maxTtl is exceeded,
# user must use more specific search/browse query.
$maxPage = 40; $maxTtl = 400;
chop ($dateStamp = `$dateCmd +"%Y%m%d"`);
chop ($timeStamp = `$dateCmd +"%a %D %H%M%Z"`);
# Read and parse input from form
if (-e "./referer.pl")
{ require "./referer.pl";
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
{ $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
} elsif ($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'})
{ read (STDIN,$buffer,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@cgiPairs = split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach $cgiPair (@cgiPairs)
{ ($name,$value) = split(/=/,$cgiPair);
$name =~ s/\+/ /g; $value =~ s/\+/ /g;
$name =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$Form{$name} .= "\0" if (defined($Form{$name}));
$Form{$name} .= "$value";
if ($name =~ /start(\d+).*/) { $Form{'start'} = $1; }
undef $name; undef $value;
# ensure a valid script is selected
if ($Script{$Form{'script'}})
{ $script = $Form{'script'};
$scriptDir = $Script{$script};
$LINKCFG = "$scriptDir/link.cfg";
$LINKADD = "$scriptDir/linkadd.dat";
$LINKDAT = "$scriptDir/link.dat";
$LINKFLK = "$scriptDir/link.flk";
$LINKTEMP = "$scriptDir/linktemp.html";
open (CFG,"<$LINKCFG") || &endIt ("Missing or Invalid Selection!");
@linkCfg = <CFG>;
close (CFG);
chop ($headTitle = shift (@linkCfg));
chop ($bodyTag = shift (@linkCfg));
chop ($bodyTitle = shift (@linkCfg));
for $x (0..$#linkCfg)
{ if ($linkCfg[$x] =~ /\S+/)
{ $cat[$x+10] = $linkCfg[$x];
$cat[$x+10] =~ s/(\r|\n)//g;
$thisUrl = "$linkmatUrl/pin-pur.gif";
$thatUrl = "$linkmatUrl/pin-grn.gif";
$hitCount = 0; # Initialize counter
if (defined $Form{'manager'})
{ $LINKPWD = "$linkmatDir/linkmat.pwd";
require "./linkman.pl";
} # end manager
# Case: SEARCH for keywords
if ($Form{'search'})
if ($Form{'searchtext'})
{ if (length $Form{'searchtext'} >60)
{ &endIt ("Maximum length for search data exceeded.");
} else
{ &endIt ("The search data you entered was blank.");
@phrases = split (/\"/," $Form{'searchtext'} ");
for ($x=0; $x<=$#phrases; $x++)
{ if (($x % 2==0) || $x==$#phrases)
{ @words = split (/ /,$phrases[$x]);
foreach $word (@words)
{ if ($word =~ /\S{2,}/) { push @searchKey, $word; }
} elsif ($phrases[$x] =~ /\S{2,}/)
{ push @searchKey, $phrases[$x];
if (!@searchKey) { &endIt ("No valid keywords were entered."); }
while ($recNbr <=$#linkFile && ($hitCount <$maxPage || ($startFlag eq 'Y' && $hitTotal <=$maxTtl)))
@link = split (/\|/,$linkFile[$recNbr]);
$target = join (" ",@link[1..$#link-1]);
if ($Form{'searchtype'} eq 'any') { $foundFlag = 'N'; } else { $foundFlag = 'Y'; }
foreach $test (@searchKey)
{ if ($target =~ /$test/ || ($test eq lc($test) && $target =~ /$test/i))
{ if ($Form{'searchtype'} eq 'any') { $foundFlag = 'Y'; last; }
} else
{ if ($Form{'searchtype'} eq 'all') { $foundFlag = 'N'; last; }
if ($foundFlag eq 'Y')
{ if ($startFlag eq 'Y' && ($hitTotal % $maxPage ==0))
{ $hitStart .= ":$recNbr";
if ($hitTotal <=$maxPage) { $hitCount++; &printLink; }
} # end search
# Case: BROWSE by category
elsif ($Form{'browse'})
if ($Form{'category'})
{ @category = split (/\0/,$Form{'category'});
foreach $test (@category)
{ if (!$cat[$test]) { &endIt ("Invalid category selection."); }
} else
{ &endIt ("No categories were selected.");
while ($recNbr <=$#linkFile && ($hitCount <$maxPage || ($startFlag eq 'Y' && $hitTotal <=$maxTtl)))
foreach $test (@category)
{ if ($linkFile[$recNbr] =~ /^$test\|/)
{ @link = split (/\|/,$linkFile[$recNbr]);
{ if ($startFlag eq 'Y' && ($hitTotal % $maxPage ==0))
{ $hitStart .= ":$recNbr";
if ($hitTotal <=$maxPage) { $hitCount++; &printLink; }
} # end browse
# Case: NEW in past month
elsif ($Form{'new'})
if ($dateStamp %10000 <200)
{ $pastDate = $dateStamp -8900;
} else
{ $pastDate = $dateStamp -100;
while ($recNbr <=$#linkFile && ($hitCount <$maxPage || $startFlag eq 'Y'))
{ @link = split(/\|/,$linkFile[$recNbr]);
if ($pastDate <= $link[6])
{ if ($startFlag eq 'Y' && ($hitTotal % $maxPage ==0))
{ $hitStart .= ":$recNbr";
if ($hitTotal <=$maxPage) { $hitCount++; &printLink; }
} # end new
# CASE: Request to ADD a URL
elsif ($Form{'add'})
if ($Form{'catnbr'} && $Form{'title'} && $Form{'siteurl'} && $Form{'description'} && $Form{'name'} && $Form{'email'})
@fields = ($Form{'catnbr'},$Form{'title'},$Form{'siteurl'},$Form{'description'},$Form{'name'},$Form{'email'});
for $x (1..5)
{ $fields[$x] =~ s'&(amp;)?'&'g;
$fields[$x] =~ s'"'"'g;
$fields[$x] =~ s'\|'|'g; # convert PIPE to html
$fields[$x] =~ s/(\f|\n|\r|\t)//g; # delete formatting
if (!$cat[$fields[0]])
{ &endIt ("Invalid category selection.");
} elsif ($fields[2] !~ /http:\/\/\S+?\.\S+/)
{ &endIt ("Invalid URL format.");
} elsif (length $fields[3] >300)
{ $badLength = (length $fields[3]) -255;
&endIt ("Description too long by $badLength characters.");
} elsif ($fields[5] !~ /\S+?\@\S+?(\.\S+?)+/)
{ &endIt ("Invalid E-Mail format.");
} else
{ &endIt ("Incomplete information was submitted.");
$addLink = join ("\|",@fields,$dateStamp,"\n");
open (ADD,"+>>$LINKADD") || &endIt;
flock (ADD,2); seek (ADD,0,0);
$addSize = @linkAdd = <ADD>;
seek (ADD,0,2);
print ADD $addLink;
close (ADD);
$addSize ++;
open (MAIL,"|$mailCmd -t") || &endIt ("Mail Server Made A Boo-Boo! $!");
print MAIL "To: $myMail\nFrom: $fields[5]\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Add Link To $headTitle\n\n";
print MAIL "A new link request has been received from\n$fields[1]\n\n";
print MAIL "There are now $addSize requests pending action.\n";
close (MAIL);
print "<p><font size=5><b>Thank You!</b></font>\n";
print "<p>\nYour request to add a link to\n <b>$headTitle</b> has been received:\n<p>\n";
print "Category: $cat[$fields[0]]<br>\n";
print "Title: $fields[1]<br>\nUrl: $fields[2]<br>\n";
print "Description: $fields[3]<br>\n";
print "Name: $fields[4]<br>\nE-Mail: $fields[5]<br>\n";
print "Date: $dateStamp\n";
print "<p>\nThe URL will be verified and when the site has been added notification will be sent by E-Mail. Completed on $timeStamp.\n";
} # end add
# CASE: Utility outputs a list of link categories and titles
elsif (defined $Form{'contents'})
print qq|<p>\nEnter <a href="$scriptUrl?script=$script"><b>$headTitle</b></a> |;
print qq|for our <b>Current Contents</b>:\n<pre>\n|;
open (DAT,"<$LINKDAT") || &endIt;
flock (DAT,1); seek (DAT,0,0);
while ($link = <DAT>)
{ @link = split (/\|/,$link);
if ($catHeader ne $link[0])
{ $catHeader = $link[0];
print "\n-> $cat[$link[0]]\n";
print "$link[1]\n$link[3]\n";
if ($link[7] !~ /\n$/) { print "$link[8]\n$link[9]\n"; }
close (DAT);
print "</pre>\n";
} # end contents
# Default CASE: output the MAIN PAGE
open (TEMP,"<$LINKTEMP");
flock (TEMP,1); seek (TEMP,0,0);
@tempFile = <TEMP>;
close (TEMP);
foreach $tempLine (@tempFile)
{ if ($tempLine =~ /<!-- LINKMATIC FORM - STARTS HERE -->/)
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method="POST">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=script value="$script">\n|;
elsif ($tempLine =~ /<!-- LINKMATIC BROWSE - STARTS HERE -->/)
$catSize = @cat -10;
$last = $catSize %2;
$rows = int ($catSize/2) + $last;
$catNbr =10;
for $row (1..$rows)
{ print "<tr valign=top>\n";
print qq|<td><input type=checkbox name=category value="$catNbr">$cat[$catNbr]</td>\n|;
$nextCol = $catNbr + $rows;
if ($cat[$nextCol])
{ print qq|<td><input type=checkbox name=category value="$nextCol">$cat[$nextCol]</td>\n|;
} else
{ print qq|<td> </td>\n|;
print "</tr>";
elsif ($tempLine =~ /<!-- LINKMATIC SELECTION BOX - STARTS HERE -->/)
print qq|<select name="catnbr" size=1>\n<option value="0" checked>Select A Category\n|;
$catNbr =10;
while ($cat[$catNbr])
{ print qq|<option value="$catNbr">$cat[$catNbr]\n|;
print "</select>\n";
} else
{ print "$tempLine";
} # end default
exit; # end main program
sub getStart
open (DAT,"<$LINKDAT") || &endIt;
flock (DAT,1); seek (DAT,0,0);
$linkSize = @linkFile = <DAT>;
close (DAT);
# setup the hitcount buttons
if (defined $Form{'start'})
{ $startFlag = 'N';
@buttons = split (/:/,$Form{'hitstart'});
$startBut = $Form{'start'};
$startNbr = $buttons[$startBut];
} else
{ $startFlag = 'Y';
$startBut = 1;
$startNbr = 0;
$hitTotal = 0;
$recNbr = $startNbr;
} # end startcount
sub printLink
if ($catHeader ne $link[0])
{ $catHeader = $link[0];
$category = uc ($cat[$link[0]]);
print qq|<hr>\n<font color="#000099" size=4><b><i>$category:</i></b></font>\n|;
print qq|<hr>\n<a href="$link[2]" target="_top"><b>$link[1]</b></a>\n|;
if ($link[3]) { print qq| - $link[3] - \n|; }
$linkDate = substr ($link[6],4,2)."/".substr ($link[6],6,2)."/".substr ($link[6],0,4);
print qq|<font size="-1">$linkDate</font>\n|;
} # end printLink
sub pageMenu
print "<hr>\n";
if ($startFlag eq 'Y')
{ $Form{'hitstart'} = $hitStart;
$Form{'hittotal'} = $hitTotal;
@buttons = split (/:/,$Form{'hitstart'});
if ($hitTotal >= $maxTtl)
{ print qq|\n<p>More than $maxTtl matches. Use more specific search or browse.|;
print qq|\n<p>This page contains <b>$hitCount</b> of <b>$Form{'hittotal'}</b> matching records.<br>\n|;
print qq|There are <b>$linkSize</b> records on file as of <b>$timeStamp</b>.<br>\n|;
@linkStat = stat ($LINKDAT);
@linkTime = localtime ($linkStat[9]);
$linkDate = ($linkTime[4]+1)."/".$linkTime[3]."/".$linkTime[5];
print qq|Database last updated <b>$linkDate</b>.<br>\n|;
if ($Form{'hittotal'} >$maxPage)
print qq|<font size=2>Click any pin to browse more matches. <img src="$thisUrl" width=21 height=21 border=0 alt="You Are Here"> marks the current page.</font><br>\n|;
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method="POST">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=script value="$script">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=hitstart value="$Form{'hitstart'}">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=hittotal value="$Form{'hittotal'}">\n|;
if ($Form{'browse'})
{ print qq|<input type=hidden name=browse value='Y'>\n|;
foreach $test (@category)
{ print qq|<input type=hidden name=category value="$test">\n|;
} elsif ($Form{'search'})
{ print qq|<input type=hidden name=search value='Y'>\n|;
$Form{'searchtext'} =~ s'"'"'g;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=searchtext value="$Form{'searchtext'}">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=searchtype value="$Form{'searchtype'}">\n|;
elsif ($Form{'new'})
{ print qq|<input type=hidden name=new value='Y'>\n|;
for $butNbr (1..$#buttons)
{ print "<font size=1>";
if ($butNbr == $startBut)
{ print qq|$butNbr<input type=image src="$thisUrl" name="start$butNbr" border=0 alt="You Are Here">|;
} else
{ print qq|$butNbr<input type=image src="$thatUrl" name="start$butNbr" border=0>|;
print "</font>\n";
print "</form>\n";
} # end pageMenu
sub header
print "<html>\n<head><title>$headTitle</title></head>\n";
print "$bodyTag\n$bodyTitle\n<br>\n";
sub footer
print qq|<p>\nBack to <a href="$scriptUrl?script=$script"><b>$headTitle</b></a>\n|;
print qq|<p>\n<font size=2><i><b>LINKMATIC</b> is one of <a href="http://www.GetCruising.com/crypt" target="_top">Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!</a></i></font>\n|;
print qq|<p>\n</body></html>\n|;
} # end Sub Footer
sub endIt # Correctible user error
print qq|<p><font color="#FF0000"><b>ERROR:</font><br>|;
if ($_[0]) { print "$_[0]"; } else { print "Server made a Boo-Boo!"; }
print "</b>\n<p>Use your browser's [BACK] button and try again.\n";
print "<p>\n</body></html>\n";
} # end endIt