# LINKMAN - The Linkmatic Manager
# Filename: linkman.pl
# Copyright: 1997,1998 by Joe DePasquale
# Last revised: August 29, 1998
# E-Mail: crypt@getcruising.com
# Website: http://www.GetCruising.com
# #
# This script and accompanying files may be distributed freely #
# and modified, provided this header with my name, E-Mail address and #
# this notice remain intact. Ownership rights remain with me. You may #
# not sell this script without my approval. #
# #
# This script comes with no guarantee or warranty except for my good #
# intentions. By using this code you agree to indemnify me from any #
# liability that might arise from it's use. #
# #
# There is no technical support for this script, neither am I a #
# professional programmer. Refer to 'HELPME.TXT' for further guidance. #
# #
sub linkman {
&passtest ($LINKPWD);
foreach $key (keys %Form)
{ if ($key =~ /(action|text)\|(\d+)/)
{ $AddFile{$2}{$1} = $Form{$key};
# Case: Edit temporary link file
if ($Form{'review'})
open (ADD,"<$LINKADD") || &endMan ("Read :$LINKADD");
flock (ADD,1); seek (ADD,0,0);
$startSize = @linkAdd = <ADD>;
close (ADD);
if ($startSize <=0)
{ print "<p>No new records to process.\n<p>\n";
print qq|<font color="#0000FF">EDIT PENDING ADDITIONS TO $LINKDAT.</font>\n|;
print qq|<p>\nThe record template is:<br>\n|;
print qq| CatNbr \| Title \| URL \| Description \| Name \| E-Mail \| DateStamp \|\n<hr>\n|;
print qq|Categories: |;
for $catNbr (10..$#cat) { print "$catNbr=$cat[$catNbr] ;\n" ; }
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method=POST>\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=password value="$Form{'password'}">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=manager value=1>\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=script value="$script">\n<hr>\n|;
$addCnt =0;
foreach $addLine (@linkAdd)
{ @addFields = split (/\|/,$addLine,4);
$addLine =~ s/\n$//;
print qq|<table border=0><tr valign=top>\n<td><b>\#$addCnt</b></td><td><a href="$addFields[2]">$addFields[2]</a></td></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr valign=top><td><input type=radio name="action\|$addCnt" value="accept"> Accept<br>\n|;
print qq|<input type=radio name="action\|$addCnt" value="delete"> Delete<br>\n|;
print qq|<input type=radio name="action\|$addCnt" value="ignore" checked> Ignore</td>\n|;
print qq|<td><textarea name="text\|$addCnt" rows=5 cols=50 wrap=virtual>$addLine</textarea></td>\n</tr></table>\n<hr>\n|;
$addCnt ++;
print qq|<input type=submit name=process value="GET IT DONE"> <input type=reset value=" RESET ">\n</form>\n|;
} # end review
# Case: Add new records to database
elsif ($Form{'process'})
open (LOCK,">$LINKFLK") || &endMan ("Write: $LINKFLK");
if (!flock (LOCK,2)) { &endMan ("Lock: $LINKFLK"); }
open (ADD,"+<$LINKADD") || &endMan ("Read\/Write: $LINKADD");
flock (ADD,2); seek (ADD,0,0);
$startSize = @linkAdd = <ADD>;
$addCnt =0; $mailCnt =0; $deleteCnt =0;
print "<b>Summary of records processed</b>:<br>\n";
for $x (0..$#linkAdd)
if ($AddFile{$x}{'action'} eq 'accept')
$addLink = $AddFile{$x}{'text'};
$addLink =~ s/(\f|\n|\r|\t)//g; # delete formatting
@fields = split (/\|/,$addLink);
open (DAT,"+>>$LINKDAT") || &endMan ("Read\/Append: $LINKDAT");
flock (DAT,2); seek (DAT,0,2);
print DAT "$addLink\n";
close (DAT);
if ($fields[5] =~ /\S+?\@\S+?(\.\S+?)+/)
{ if (open (MAIL,"|$mailCmd -t"))
{ print MAIL "To: $fields[5]\nFrom: $myMail\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Your Link Has Been Accepted!\n\n";
print MAIL "Your link has been added to\n$headTitle\nas shown here:\n\n";
print MAIL "Title: $fields[1]\nURL: $fields[2]\n";
print MAIL "Description: $fields[3]\nName: $fields[4]\n";
print MAIL "E-Mail: $fields[5]\nDateStamp: $fields[6]\n\n";
print MAIL "Note: Your name is not visible in the directory,\n";
print MAIL "however it can be used in searches for your site.\n\n";
print MAIL "Thank You!\nPlease keep a copy of this E-Mail for your records.\n";
if (open (SIG,"<$MYSIG"))
{ @mySig = <SIG>;
print MAIL "@mySig";
close (SIG);
} else
{ print MAIL "$myName <$myMail>\n$homeUrl\n";
close (MAIL);
$addCnt ++;
if ($AddFile{$x}{'action'} ne 'ignore')
{ undef ($linkAdd[$x]);
$deleteCnt ++;
seek (ADD,0,0);
print (ADD @linkAdd);
truncate (ADD,tell(ADD)); close (ADD);
close (LOCK);
$endSize = $startSize - $deleteCnt;
print " Of $startSize new links in $LINKADD ..<br>\n";
print " $addCnt links added. ($mailCnt E-Mails sent)<br>\n";
print " $deleteCnt links removed from temporary file.<br>\n $endSize links ignored.\n<p>\n";
} # end process
# Case: Sort the database
elsif ($Form{'sort'})
} # end sort
# case: View manager menu
{ &manager;
} # end manager
} # end linkman
sub manager # View link manager menu
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method=POST>\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=password value="$Form{'password'}">\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=manager value=1>\n<table border=1>\n|;
print qq|<tr align=right><td>Select Database:</td><td>New Links</td><td>Filesize KB</td><td>Database KB</td></tr>\n|;
foreach $scriptKey (keys %Script)
{ print qq|<tr align=right><td align=left><input type=radio name=script value="$scriptKey"|;
if ($script eq $scriptKey) { print " checked"; }
$scriptDir = $Script{$scriptKey};
$LINKADD = "$scriptDir/linkadd.dat";
$LINKDAT = "$scriptDir/link.dat";
open (ADD,"<$LINKADD") || &endMan ("Read: $LINKADD");
flock (ADD,1); seek (ADD,0,0);
$addSize = @linkAdd = <ADD>;
close (ADD);
$addKb = (-s "$LINKADD");
$datKb = (-s "$LINKDAT");
print qq|\>$scriptKey</td><td>$addSize</td><td>$addKb</td><td>$datKb</td></tr>\n|;
print qq|</table><p>\n|;
print qq|<input type=submit name=review value="VIEW NEW LINKS"> \n|;
print qq|<input type=submit name=sort value="SORT DATABASE">\n</form><p>\n|;
} # end manager
sub sort # the database
open (DAT,"+<$LINKDAT") || &endMan ("Read\/Write: $LINKDAT");
flock (DAT,2); seek (DAT,0,0);
$size = @unsorted = <DAT>;
@sorted = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} @unsorted;
seek (DAT,0,0);
print (DAT @sorted);
truncate (DAT,tell(DAT)); close (DAT);
print "$LINKDAT contains $size links.<br>\nFile has been sorted and saved.\n<p>\n";
} # end sort
sub manFooter
print qq|<br>Completed on $timeStamp.\n|;
print qq|<p><a href="$exitUrl">Exit LINKMATIC Manager</a>\n|;
print qq|<p><font size=2><i><b>LINKMATIC</b> is one of <a href="http://www.GetCruising.com/crypt" target="_top">Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!</a></i></font>\n|;
print qq|<p></body></html>\n|;
} # end footer
sub passtest # Test and/or change manager's password
$PASSFILE = $_[0];
if (-s $PASSFILE)
{ if ($Form{'password'})
{ open (PASS,"<$PASSFILE");
$passcode = <PASS>;
close (PASS);
chop ($passcode) if $passcode =~ /\n$/;
$lp = length $Form{'password'};
$salt = substr($Form{'password'},$lp-2,1).substr($Form{'password'},1,1);
if ($passcode eq crypt ($Form{'password'},$salt))
{ if ($Form{'newpassword'})
{ $lp = length $Form{'newpassword'};
if ($Form{'newpassword'} =~ /^\w{$lp}\b/)
{ $Form{'password'} = $Form{'newpassword'};
$salt = substr($Form{'password'},$lp-2,1).substr($Form{'password'},1,1);
$passcode = crypt ($Form{'password'},$salt);
open (PASS,">$PASSFILE");
print PASS "$passcode";
close (PASS);
} else
{ &passbox ("Bad choice, Creep!!");
} else
{ &passbox ("Wrong, Creep!!");
} else
{ &passbox ("What's the Password, Creep?");
} else
{ &endMan ("Password File $PASSFILE Not Found");
sub passbox
print <<__PASSBOX;
<form action="$scriptUrl" method="POST">
<input type=hidden name=manager value=1>
<input type=hidden name=script value="$script">
<table border=4>
<tr><th colspan=2><font color="#FF0000"><b><blink>$_[0]</blink></b></font></th></tr>
<tr><th> Enter Password:</td><th><input type=password name=password size=12 maxlength=12></th></tr>
<tr><th>Change Password:</td><th><input type=text name=newpassword size=12 maxlength=12></th></tr>
<th colspan=2><input type=submit value=" DO IT! "><input type=reset value=" CLEAR "></th></tr>
Password must be 4 to 12 alpha-numeric characters.</form>
sub endMan # Error handling for manager scripts
print qq|<font color="#FF0000"><b>ERROR:</font><br>$_[0]</b>\n<p>|;
if ($!) { print "Server made a Boo-Boo! $!\n"; }
else { print "Use your browser's [BACK] button and try again.\n"; }
print "<p></body></html>\n";
} # end endMan
1; # return true