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# Web forum for hosting user discussions featuring dynamic
# databases, frames, auto E-Mail and multiple subject forums.
# Filename: bbmat.cgi
# Copyright: 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by Joe DePasquale
# Last revised: January 26, 2002
# E-Mail:
# Website:
# #
# This script and accompanying files may be distributed freely #
# and modified, provided this header with my name, E-Mail address and #
# this notice remain intact. Ownership rights remain with me. You may #
# not sell this script without my approval. #
# #
# This script comes with no guarantee or warranty except for my good #
# intentions. By using this code you agree to indemnify me from any #
# liability that might arise from it's use. #
# #
# There is no technical support for this script, neither am I a #
# professional programmer. Refer to 'HELPME.TXT' for further guidance. #
# #
# Change these sample paths to the actual paths on your server:

# Your Unix system date and sendmail commands
$dateCmd = '/bin/date';
$mailCmd = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

# Your E-Mail address - note mandatory backslash before \@
$myMail = "yourmail\";

# Unix path to bbmat directory
$bbmatDir = "/usr/home/yourpath/to/bbmat";

# URL to the bbmat directory
$bbmatUrl = "";

# URL to bbmat.cgi
$scriptUrl = "";

# Link to exit from manager
$exitUrl = "";

# Here you define one or more forums using a keyword and path to
# the directory where each can be found. You will create the directories
# in a later step. The 'how2bbm.txt' document will explain what to place
# there. For simplicity you can use your chosen keywords as the names
# of the directories as in the example. Use short alphanumeric keywords.

%Script = (

# Select one of the above keywords as the default forum.
$script = 'recipe';

# If BBMATIC frame(s) will be nested inside your own frames set to 'Y'
$nested = 'N';


# You will probably want to use your imagination and list some
# inappropriate words that you want to exclude from being posted.
@badWords = ("cheesebrain","undulate");

# Maximum length in CHARACTERS to DISPLAY on the main page
# for subjects and followup comments.
$maxSubj = 250; $maxComm = 60;

# Set maximum length in CHARACTERS for a subject or comment. If
# exceeded, the text will be truncated. Default is 5120 = 5KB.
$maxLength = 5120;

# If you want a signature file attached to mail messages,
# uncomment the next line and enter the correct Unix path ..
# $MYSIG = "/usr/home/yourpath/to/mysig.txt";

# .. otherwise uncomment the next 2 lines and replace with your info ..
# $myName = "Bonzo Clone";
# $homeUrl = "";

# If you don't want to backup the bbm.dat file, set $bakFlag to 'N',
# otherwise set bakTime, bakMax and bak Dir in the 'if' loop ..
$bakFlag = 'Y';

if ($bakFlag eq 'Y')
{ $bakTime = 2; # days btwn backups
$bakMax = 7; # days to keep backups

# Unix path to backup directory
$bakDir = "/usr/home/yourpath/to/bak";


chop ($jDate = `$dateCmd +"%j"`);
chop ($mdyStamp = `$dateCmd +"%D"`);
chop ($timeStamp = `$dateCmd +"%a %D %H%M%Z"`);
chop ($dateStamp = `$dateCmd +"%y%m%d"`);

if ($dateStamp <950000) { $dateStamp += 1000000; }

# Read and parse Input from GET/POST and init variables

print "Content-Type: text/html\nPragma: no-cache\n";
print "Expires: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 12:00:00 GMT\n\n";

{ $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
} elsif ($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'})
{ read (STDIN,$buffer,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@cgiPairs = split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach $cgiPair (@cgiPairs)
($name,$value) = split(/=/,$cgiPair);
$value =~ s/\+/ /g;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$Form{$name} .= "\0" if (defined($Form{$name}));
$Form{$name} .= "$value";
undef $name; undef $value;

# ensure a valid script is selected

if ($Script{$Form{'script'}})
{ $script = $Form{'script'};
$scriptDir = $Script{$script};

$BBMCFG = "$scriptDir/bbm.cfg";
$BBMCNT = "$scriptDir/bbm.cnt";
$BBMDAT = "$scriptDir/bbm.dat";
$BBMOLD = "$scriptDir/bbmold.dat";
$BBMFLK = "$scriptDir/bbm.flk";
$BBMTEMP = "$scriptDir/bbmtemp.html";

open (CFG,"<$BBMCFG") || &endIt ("Missing or Invalid Selection!");
@bbmCfg = <CFG>;
close (CFG);

chop ($headTitle = shift (@bbmCfg));
chop ($bodyTag = shift (@bbmCfg));
chop ($bodyTitle = shift (@bbmCfg));

if (defined $Form{'manager'})
{ $BBMPWD = "$bbmatDir/bbmat.pwd";
require "./";
if ($bakFlag eq 'Y') {$BBMBAK = "$bakDir/bbm$script$jDate.bak";}

$addUrl = "$bbmatUrl/bbadd.gif";
$moreUrl = "$bbmatUrl/bbmore.gif";
$purUrl = "$bbmatUrl/pin-pur.gif";
$helpUrl = "$bbmatUrl/bbmhelp.html";
$botUrl = "$bbmatUrl/bbmbot.html";
$shortUrl = substr ($scriptUrl,rindex($scriptUrl,'/')+1);

if (defined $Form{'frames'})
{ if ($Form{'frames'} eq 'N')
{ $frames = 'N';
} else
{ $targetMain = ' target="BBM_MAIN"';
$targetBot = ' target="BBM_BOT"';
$frames = '';

if ($Form{'newsubject'})
if ($Form{'name'} && $Form{'email'} && $Form{'text'} && $Form{'subject'})
{ open (LOCK,">$BBMFLK") || &endIt;
if (!flock (LOCK,2)) { &endIt; }

&validate ($Form{'name'},$Form{'email'},$Form{'text'},$Form{'subject'});

# assign next subject nbr
open (CNT,"+<$BBMCNT") || &endIt;
flock (CNT,2); seek (CNT,0,0);
$subjNbr = <CNT>;
if ($subjNbr =~ /\n$/) { chop ($subjNbr); }
seek (CNT,0,0);
print CNT "$subjNbr";
truncate (CNT,tell(CNT)); close (CNT);

if ((length $text) > $maxSubj)
{ $mainTxt = substr ($text,0,$maxSubj);
@textWords = split(/ /,$mainTxt);
$mainTxt = join (" ",@textWords[0..$#textWords-1]); # leave off chopped words
$fileTxt = substr ($text,(length $mainTxt)+1);
$SUBJFILE = "$scriptDir/bbm$subjNbr.txt";

open (SUBJECT,">$SUBJFILE") || &endIt;
flock (SUBJECT,2); seek (SUBJECT,0,0);
chmod (0666,$SUBJFILE);
print SUBJECT "$fileTxt\n";
truncate (SUBJECT,tell(SUBJECT)); close (SUBJECT);
} else
{ $mainTxt = $text;
$mainTxt =~ s/<(br|p)>//g;

# update BBMDAT
$newSubj = join ("\|",$subjNbr,'0',$subject,$name,$email,$mdyStamp,$mainTxt,"\n");
open (BBM,"+<$BBMDAT") || &endIt;
flock (BBM,2); seek (BBM,0,0);
@bbmFile = <BBM>;
unshift @bbmFile,$newSubj;
seek (BBM,0,0);
print (BBM @bbmFile);
truncate (BBM,tell(BBM)); close (BBM);
close (LOCK);

} else
{ &endIt ("One or more required fields is blank.");
} # END NewSubject


elsif ($Form{'addcomment'})
if ($Form{'name'} && $Form{'email'} && $Form{'text'})
{ open (LOCK,">$BBMFLK") || &endIt;
if (!flock (LOCK,2)) { &endIt; }

&validate ($Form{'name'},$Form{'email'},$Form{'text'});
# append to or create subject file
$subjNbr = $Form{'subjnbr'};
$subject = $Form{'subject'};
$SUBJFILE = "$scriptDir/bbm$subjNbr.txt";

if ((length $text) > $maxComm)
{ $mainTxt = substr ($text,0,$maxComm);
@textWords = split(/ /,$mainTxt);
$mainTxt = join (" ",@textWords[0..$#textWords-1]); # leave off chopped words
$fileTxt = substr ($text,(length $mainTxt)+1);
} else
{ $mainTxt = $text;
$mainTxt =~ s/<(br|p)>//g;

# insert new comment in BBMDAT
open (BBM,"+<$BBMDAT") || &endIt;
flock (BBM,2); seek (BBM,0,0);
@bbmFile = <BBM>;

$x = $#bbmFile; $swapFlag = 'N';
{ @bbmLine = split (/\|/,$bbmFile[$x],2);
if ($bbmLine[0] < $subjNbr)
{ $bbmFile[$x+1] = $bbmFile[$x];
} elsif ($bbmLine[0] == $subjNbr)
{ $lineNbr = $bbmLine[1]+1;
$newComm = join ("\|",$subjNbr,$lineNbr,$Form{'mailme'},$name,$email,$mdyStamp,$mainTxt,"\n");
$bbmFile[$x+1] = $newComm;
{ @bbmLine = split (/\|/,$bbmFile[$x]);
# send E-Mail to all in thread
if ($bbmLine[1] == 0 || $bbmLine[2] eq 'Y')
{ $MailTo{$bbmLine[4]} = 'Y';
} until ($bbmLine[1] == 0);
$swapFlag = 'Y';
&mailTo (keys %MailTo);
} until ($swapFlag eq 'Y' || $x<0);

seek (BBM,0,0);
print BBM @bbmFile;
truncate (BBM,tell(BBM)); close (BBM);

if ($swapFlag eq 'N')
{ &endIt ("Requested subject $subjNbr not found.");
# create subject file if not exist, insert comment
if ($fileTxt)
{ if (-e $SUBJFILE)
{ open (SUBJECT,"+<$SUBJFILE") || &endIt;
flock (SUBJECT,2); seek (SUBJECT,0,0);
@subjFile = <SUBJECT>;
} else
{ open (SUBJECT,">$SUBJFILE") || &endIt;
flock (SUBJECT,2); seek (SUBJECT,0,0);
chmod (0666,$SUBJFILE);
$subjFile[$lineNbr] = $fileTxt;

for $x (0..$lineNbr)
{ if ($subjFile[$x] !~ /\n$/) { $subjFile[$x] .= "\n"; }
seek (SUBJECT,0,0);
print SUBJECT @subjFile;
truncate (SUBJECT,tell(SUBJECT)); close (SUBJECT);
close (LOCK);

} else
{ &endIt ("One or more required fields is blank.");
} # END AddComment

# Case: Display Subject Page and Add Comment Form

elsif ($Form{'getsubject'})
$subjNbr = $Form{'getsubject'};
$SUBJFILE = "$scriptDir/bbm$subjNbr.txt";

print qq|<html>\n<head><title>$headTitle</title>\n|;
print qq|<basefont size=2></head>\n$bodyTag\n|;

if (-e $SUBJFILE)
{ open (SUBJECT,"<$SUBJFILE") || &endIt;
flock (SUBJECT,1); seek (SUBJECT,0,0);
@subjFile = <SUBJECT>;
close (SUBJECT);
$foundFlag ='N';
open (BBM,"<$BBMDAT") || &endIt;
flock (BBM,1); seek (BBM,0,0);
while (($bbmLine = <BBM>) && $foundFlag eq 'N')
{ ($nbr,$lineNbr,$mailme,$name,$email,$mdyStamp,$mainTxt,$eol) = split (/\|/,$bbmLine);
if ($subjNbr == $nbr)
{ if ($lineNbr ==0)
{ $subject = $mailme;
print qq|<b>[<a href="#view">View Comments</a>] [<a href="#add">Add Your Comments</a>] [<a href="$helpUrl"$targetBot>Help & Tutorial</a>]</b><p>\n|;
print qq|<b>Subject: <font color="#FF0000">$subject</font></b><p>\n|;
print qq|<b><font color="#009900">Posted By <a href="mailto:$email">$name ($email)</a> On $mdyStamp:</font></b><br>\n|;
print qq|$mainTxt $subjFile[$lineNbr]\n<hr>\n<a name="view"><b>Followup Comments:</b>\n<hr>|;
} else # comment
{ print qq|<img src="$purUrl" width=21 height=21 border=0 alt="*"> <b><font color="#009900">Added By <a href="mailto:$email">$name ($email)</a> On $mdyStamp:</font></b><br>\n|;
print qq|$mainTxt $subjFile[$lineNbr]\n<hr>|;
} elsif ($subjNbr > $nbr)
{ $foundFlag = 'Y';
close (BBM);

print <<__SUBJFORM;
<a name="add"><b>Add Your Comment:</b><p>
<form action="$shortUrl" method="POST"$targetMain>
<input type=hidden name=script value="$script">
<input type=hidden name=frames value="$frames">
<input type=hidden name=subjnbr value="$subjNbr">
<input type=hidden name=subject value="$subject">
<b>Subject: <font color="#FF0000">$subject</font></b><br>
<input type=checkbox name=mailme value=Y checked>Alert me of new posts on this subject.<p>
Message:<br><textarea name=text rows=8 cols=50 wrap=virtual></textarea><p>
Name:<br><input type=text name=name size=50 maxlength=50><br>
E-Mail Address:<br><input type=text name=email size=50 maxlength=50><p>
Press <input type=submit name=addcomment value=" POST IT! "> OR
<input type=reset value=" NUKE IT! "> to start over.<br>
<font color="#FF0000"><b>Please PRESS <u>ONCE</u> AND WAIT FOR RESPONSE.</b></font></form><p>
<i><b>BBMATIC BBS FOR THE WEB</b> is one of <a href="" target="_top">Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!</a></i>

} # End getsubject

# Display the main BBMATIC page

elsif (defined $frames)
open (TEMP,"<$BBMTEMP") || &endIt;
@tempFile = <TEMP>;
close (TEMP);

open (BBM,"<$BBMDAT") || &endIt;
flock (BBM,1); seek (BBM,0,0);
@bbmFile = <BBM>;
close (BBM);

foreach $tempLine (@tempFile)
{ if ($tempLine =~ /<!-- BBMATIC USERS POSTS - STARTS HERE -->/)
if ($frames eq 'N')
{ print qq|<font color="#000000">This is <b>FULL SCREEN</b> mode. Switch to <a href="$shortUrl?script=$script"><b>SPLIT SCREEN</b></a> ?<br>\n|;
} else
{ print qq|<font color="#000000">This is <b>SPLIT SCREEN</b> mode. Switch to <a href="$shortUrl?script=$script&frames=N" target="|;
if ($nested eq 'Y') { print "_parent"; } else { print "_top"; }
print qq|"><b>FULL SCREEN</b></a> ?<br>\n|;
print qq|[1] <b>Read Full Text</b> on any of the open subjects by clicking the <img src="$moreUrl" align=bottom border=0 width=60 height=15 alt="MORE"> button.\n|;
print qq|If no additional text is available, the button will not appear.<br>\n|;
print qq|[2] To <b>Add A Comment On An Open Subject</b>, click the <img src="$addUrl" align=bottom border=0 width=60 height=15 alt="ADD"> button next to the SUBJECT OR<br>\n|;
print qq|[3] To <b>Open a New Subject for Comments</b>, use this link to <nobr><b><a href="#newsubject">ADD A NEW SUBJECT</a></b>.</nobr><br>\n|;
print qq|For more complete information see the <nobr><b><a href="$helpUrl"$targetBot>OVERVIEW & TUTORIAL</a></b></nobr></font>\n|;

foreach $line (@bbmFile)
{ ($subjNbr,$lineNbr,$mailme,$name,$email,$mdyStamp,$mainTxt,$eol) = split (/\|/,$line);

if ($lineNbr ==0) # subject
{ $subject = $mailme;
print qq|\n<a name=$subjNbr><hr></a>\n<a href="$shortUrl?getsubject=$subjNbr&script=$script&frames=$frames"$targetBot><img src="|;
if (-e "$scriptDir/bbm$subjNbr.txt") { print $moreUrl; $cont = ' ..';} else { print $addUrl; $cont = '';}
print qq|" align=bottom border=0 width=60 height=15><b><font color="#FF0000"> $subject</font></b></a>\n|;
print qq|<br><b><font color="#009900">Posted By <a href="mailto:$email">$name</a> On $mdyStamp</font></b>\n|;
print qq|<br>$mainTxt$cont\n|;
} else # comment
{ print qq|<br><img src="$purUrl" width=21 height=21 border=0 alt="*"> <b><font color="#009900">Added By <font color="#0000FF"><a href="mailto:$email">$name</a></font> On $mdyStamp</font></b>|;
print qq|<br>$mainTxt$cont\n|;
} elsif ($tempLine =~ /<!-- BBMATIC SUBJECT FORM - STARTS HERE -->/)

print <<__MAINBOT;
<a name="newsubject"><font size=4><font color="#FF0000"><b>ADD A NEW SUBJECT:</b></font></font></a>
Use this form to open a subject for discussion if it's not yet listed above.
To post a followup COMMENT on any subject on this page, use the "Add a Comment" link beneath that subject.
For detailed instructions click <nobr><a href="$helpUrl"$targetBot>Overview & Tutorial</a>.</nobr>
<form action="$shortUrl" method="POST"$targetMain>
<input type=hidden name=script value="$script">
<input type=hidden name=frames value="$frames">
Subject:<br><input type="text" name="subject" size=50 maxlength=100><br>
Message:<br><textarea name="text" rows=8 cols=50 wrap="VIRTUAL"></textarea><br>
Name:<br><input type="text" name="name" size=50 maxlength=50><br>
E-Mail Address:<br><input type="text" name="email" size=50 maxlength=50>
Press <input type="submit" name="newsubject" value=" POST IT! "> or
<input type="reset" value=" NUKE IT! "> to start over.<br>
<font color="#FF0000"><b>PRESS <u>ONCE</u> AND WAIT FOR RESPONSE.</b></font></form><p>
<i><b>BBMATIC BBS FOR THE WEB</b> is one of <a href="" target="_top">Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!</a></i>

} else
{ print "$tempLine";
if ($bakFlag eq 'Y' && ($jDate % $bakTime ==0) && !-e $BBMBAK)
{ &backUp (@bbmFile);
} # end ifdefined

# Default CASE: Output BBM frameset

if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /Mozilla\/(\d+\.?\d*).*/i)
{ $mozilla = "Your Mozilla version is: $1";
print <<__BBMFRAME;
<frameset rows="70%,30%">
This is your browser: $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}<br>
You need Mozilla 2.0 or higher to see the FRAMES on this page, but for
now use the <a href="$shortUrl?script=$script&frames=N">No-Frames Version</a>.
<frame name="BBM_MAIN" src="$shortUrl?script=$script&frames=$frames">
<frame name="BBM_BOT" src="$botUrl">

} # end default

exit; # end main program


sub message # ack new post and redisplay main page
print qq|<html>\n<head><title>$headTitle</title>\n|;
print qq|<meta http-equiv=refresh content="5; URL=$shortUrl?script=$script&frames=$frames">\n|;
print qq|<basefont size=2></head>\n$bodyTag\n|;
print qq|<center><b><font color="#0000FF" size=4>THANK YOU!</font><br>\nYour comments have been posted.</b>\n|;
print qq|<p>\nIf the MAIN PAGE does not reload here in 5 seconds,<br>\n|;
print qq|click to <a href="$shortUrl?script=$script&frames=$frames"><b>REFRESH</b></a> or<br>\n|;
print qq|use your browser's [RELOAD] button.\n</center><p>\n</body></html>\n|;

} # End message

sub mailTo # E-mail to all in thread when new posting
if (open (SIG,"<$MYSIG"))
{ @mySig = <SIG>;
close (SIG);
foreach $_ (@_)
{ if (open (MAIL,"|$mailCmd -t"))
{ print MAIL "To: $_\nFrom: $myMail\nSubject: $headTitle\n\n";
print MAIL "A followup to your posting has been received.\n\"$subject\".\n\n";
print MAIL "You can link directly to the BBS at -\n$returnUrl\n\n";
print MAIL "Thank You for making use of our resources at\n$headTitle\!\n";
print MAIL "Please bookmark us and visit frequently!\n\n";

if (@mySig)
{ print MAIL "@mySig";
} else
{ print MAIL "$myName <$myMail>\n$homeUrl\n";
close (MAIL);
sleep 1;
} # end mailTo

sub validate # check text length, badwords & convert HTML
@fields = @_;

# chop if text field over maxLength
if (length $fields[2] > $maxLength)
{ $fields[2] = substr($fields[2],0,$maxLength);
# 0=name 1=email 2=text 3=subject
for ($x=0; $x<=$#fields; $x++)
if ($x==2 || $x==3)
{ chop ($fields[$x]) if $fields[$x] =~ /\n$/;
$fields[$x] =~ s'&(amp;)?'&'g;
$fields[$x] =~ s'"'"'g;
$fields[$x] =~ s'<'<'g;
$fields[$x] =~ s'>'>'g;

if ($x==2)
{ $fields[$x] =~ s/(\w+.*)(\r?\n){2,}/$1<p>/gm;
$fields[$x] =~ s/(\w+.*)\r?\n/$1<br>/g;
} else
{ $fields[$x] =~ s/<(.)*>//g;
$fields[$x] =~ s/\|/|/g; # convert PIPE to html

if ($x==1)
{ $fields[$x] =~ s/\s//g;
if ($fields[$x] !~ /\S+\@\S+(\.\S+)+/)
{ &endIt ("Invalid E-MAIL Address entered.");
} else
{ $fields[$x] =~ s/(\f|\n|\r|\t)//g;
if ($x==0 && $fields[0] !~ /\w+/)
{ &endIt ("Invalid NAME entered.");
foreach $badWord (@badWords)
{ if ($fields[$x] =~/\b$badWord\b/i)
{ &endIt ("<b>WHOOPS!</b> You used a naughty word.");
($name,$email,$text,$subject) = @fields;
} # End Validate

sub backUp # Backup data and delete old backups
@bakData = @_;
open (BAK,">$BBMBAK") || &endIt;
print (BAK @bakData);
close (BAK);
chmod (0666,$BBMBAK);

opendir (BAKDIR,$bakDir);
@bakFiles = grep (/bbm$script\d{3}\.bak/, readdir(BAKDIR));
closedir (BAKDIR);

foreach $bakFile (@bakFiles)
{ if (-M "$bakDir/$bakFile" > $bakMax) { unlink "$bakDir/$bakFile"; }
} # end backup

sub endIt # Correctible user error
print qq|<html>\n<head><title>$headTitle</title>\n|;
print qq|<basefont size=2></head>\n$bodyTag\n$bodyTitle\n<p>\n|;
print qq|<font color="#FF0000" size=4><b>ERROR:</font><br>\n|;
if ($_[0]) { print "$_[0]"; } else { print "Server made a Boo-Boo! $!"; }
print qq|</b>\n<p>Use your browser's [BACK] button and try again.\n|;
print qq|<p>\n</body></html>\n|;
} # end endIt

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